Toastmasters' Speechcraft course
Speechcraft is a "crash course" in effective communication, a highly effective introduction to developing your communication and leadership skills... teaching participants the basics of public speaking.
We are planning to run a Speechcraft course in the near future, most likely running over four or five Wednesday evenings for 2 to 2 1/2 hours. Click here to register your interest.
No prior experience in public speaking necessary.
The course is conducted in a friendly supportive environment. A professional camaraderie forms between course participants and presenters during the course, all of which makes the learning process enjoyable.
There are normally no more than 10 participants in each course.
Participants each receive a Communication Handbook which contains a number of speech projects to work through during the course.
Participants usually deliver two to three prepared speeches during the course, receiving constructive feedback and evaluation – presenters deliver educational sessions designed to help participants to improve their confidence speaking in front of others, communication skills, presentation skills and speech preparation skills.
Educationals cover areas like Topic Selection, How To Prepare Your Speech, Gestures & Body Language, Voice & Vocal Variety, Presentation & Delivery Techniques and How To Evaluate Other Speakers.
How much
The course fee, which is set at $150, covers all material costs, including the Communication Handbook with valuable reference material for participants, and membership of the Toastmasters Club if desired.
The course will take place at our regular meeting venue.
This is a very worthwhile investment in yourself!